Κυριακή 29 Μαΐου 2022

XDuoo X2 mini - review


Its a long time forgotten blog to make 

As you can see all my posts are referring to low and middle class mp3 models. keeping some money for reserve i was for very long time into looking for a  good model of higher class ie audiophile model; I finally rested into the XDuoo X2S an entry level audiophile model Aas far as i know this brand is well reputable in the audiophile market for their valve  amplifiers and other related HIfi equipment

The 2S is around 55 -65 Eu in ebay from China and found via France at 60 plus courier shipping at 12 EU Quite good price and quite  fast delivery service in just 7 days to Middle Greece. 


I  shot it a few days after receiving it but lost the opportunity to blog it due to other reasons. This is  the top view of the player. Unfortunately it is very small . much smaller from what i could expect 

Very simplistic design and controls comparing to my Amoi or even to the more complex Nintaus/SHMCI .  

and  VERY small !

And  the volume control!

For its size it is quite bulky . 3 times thicker than expected. 

Three  interesting  photos: There is support of Greek Chinese and Thai scripts !